Brea Walker


Fuelled By Fiber Fresh

What are your most memorable achievements?

I think working for Laura Collett MBE and Sir Mark Todd have both been massive highlights and career-changing opportunities for me. Both overseas stints involved massive sacrifice and challenges but were so worthwhile.

Your best tip for your discipline(s)?

Don't get caught up in the competition. Enjoy the process of producing a horse and developing as a rider and the results will come.

Who inspires you?

I am a massive fan of Ros Canter! But still inspired daily by my old boss Laura Collett - how could you not be! I'm also hugely inspired by lots of my friends in the sport who push me to be the best version of myself, humble me during the highs and lift me back up in the lows - the definition of true sportswomen and that's what I always aspire to be.

Who else do you work with?

I currently work with ORO Equestrian, Precision Saddle Fit/Silver Fern Saddle Co, Worm Ed, EquineCare Probiotic, Performance Dentistry, Katie Bird Equine Sports Therapies, Julia Murch Photography, and Arro Helmets. They are all so incredible and I couldn't do it without them!

Best feeding tip?

Look at nutrition as a whole and keep it simple! I'm always thinking about what they have outside of their one feed a day - what else is contributing to their nutritional health? And keep it simple! I think people would be shocked to find 2-3 supplements on my feed room shelf for my team. High quality fibre is the bulk and base of their feeds!

Favourite product and why?

PROTECT! Hands down couldn't live without it! Pre-ride feeds to help prevent acid splashback. Pre and post-travel feeds. Overnight at events to assist with horses that go off their hay! It's the most versatile product and if the ulcer-healing properties of this product don't already make you want to feed it, then the unmatched freshness and dust-free quality should! The results speak for themselves really - my team are glowing!

Your advice for someone thinking about switching to Fiber Fresh?

Make sure you're feeding enough fibre! Fibre is the base of their diet and so before you start adding anything else, start there. Feed double the amount of Fiber Fresh as you do hard feed!

Brea's Horses:

Leveret - Zachery Quack (Owned by Christen Lane)
Tia - Tia Celeste (Owned by the Rogers Family)
Sammie - La Palma
Bertie - Astek Up & Go

Brea Feeds: