Kelly Mckenzie

Kelly Mckenzie

Territory Manager - Lower South Island

Phone: 027 2745 920

Kelly McKenzie is our Territory Manager for the lower South Island. With a profound passion for horses, extensive experience in the equine industry, and a commitment to sustainable agriculture, Kelly brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to our team.

Kelly began her academic journey at the University of Waikato, where she pursued a degree in sport and leisure. However, her love for horses led her to the United Kingdom, where she had the incredible opportunity to work for the Duke and Duchess of Bedford on their private horse stud. After 12 years of invaluable experiences, Kelly made the decision to return to New Zealand.

Kelly's deep passion for horses and dedication to sustainable agriculture perfectly align with Fiber Fresh's values. When the opportunity arose to work as a Territory Manager for Fiber Fresh in Southland, Kelly eagerly embraced the chance. Her genuine admiration for Fiber Fresh products, combined with her belief in the importance of a natural, source-to-shelf story, made the decision a natural fit. Kelly was particularly drawn to Fiber Fresh's commitment to maintaining complete control over the supply chain—a crucial factor in delivering a premium product to the market.

Kelly's connection to horses and calving runs deep. With six hunters at home and a family history in racing, horses have always played a significant role in her life. Furthermore, her partner's involvement in rearing up to 500 calves each year ensures that Kelly's personal connection extends to the realm of calving. As she takes on her role as Territory Manager, her partner unknowingly becomes her first customer for Fiber Fresh's products.

Kelly has long been a loyal user of Fiber Protect, recognizing and appreciating its benefits. Recently, she has also introduced Fiber Boost+ to her hunters, witnessing firsthand its positive impact on their performance during demanding hunting days.

One valuable tip Kelly imparts to animal owners is the importance of fibre in their diets. Recognizing that horses are not meant to have empty stomachs, she emphasizes that this is a leading cause of ulcers. Kelly aims to educate people about the optimal nutrition for their animals, drawing from her learnings at Fiber Fresh. By sharing this knowledge, she hopes to enhance animal well-being and introduce horse people to products she believes in.

Her extensive experience in the equine industry and personal connection to horses and calving further strengthen her ability to deliver top-quality nutrition. Fiber Fresh is proud to have Kelly as an integral part of the team, as she continues to educate and inspire others to provide the best care possible for their animals.
